Sunday, September 2, 2018

Lots of meetings, lots of people

Well, first things first. Sorry for not sending an email last week!! 
Okay. Now, the rest of my email. 
Hi everyone! Things are going swimmingly out here in the Harbour YSA. We just had stake conference, so a lot of our friends received the Melchizedek Priesthood this week! Youk (remember him from UNSW?) Vincent, Tou, and Ash received the Aaronic Priesthood today! It was so cool to see all of them advancing in the priesthood; especially because each of them have grown to be my good friends. Great guys! 

This week was a packed one.. as this whole transfer has been. Its been 4 weeks now into this transfer and I feel like we've been in meetings the whole time. Hahaha. Its been good though. We've seen a lot of cool things happen! So I guess probably an investigator update would be good. 

Well, Ian (dude from Taiwan) texted us on Saturday and said he received an answer and felt that God was real!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!! That's a HUGE step forward for him and I'm so excited!!!!!!! Hes an awesome guy! He has a long way to go, but he will definitely be able to keep moving forward. 

So Ian brought his friend to a lesson a few weeks ago, Doowon. Doowon is Korean and is studying to be a chef or cook. Hes a pretty cool, quiet guy. After the first lesson, we were shocked at how keen he was and how good his prayer was. Then that Monday I find out he's already Christian. Hahahaha. But he is so open and willing to learn more about God. Just on Saturday, he accepted the invitation to be baptized! We're looking forward to that with him. 

Catherine is awesome. Shes super super nice and has a bajillion questions. We taught the Plan of Salvation to her the other day and it all makes sense to her, but she has TONS of questions that go pretty in depth about the Plan. That's a good thing though. We are looking forward to her progressing. She wants stability in her life, and I know the gospel can provide that. 

Yall remember Amy? The one who yelled at Elder Tobler and I and became an investigator? Well, shes soooooo keen!! We talked to her all about the Book of Mormon on Friday and she found sooo much power through it! She accepted that if she finds an answer, she'll be baptized. She has a lot of struggles, but as she reads more from the Book of Mormon, it will bless her life immensely; I know it will because its done that for me. 

Well, Ill say that those are the main reports for this week. Overall happenings and wherabouts: Last week for pday we went to the "Real Bodies Exhibit." That was soo cool! Everyone that came with us was actually really excited to go, I was surprised. Haha. If you want pictures, ask me personally cause I wont send them here. Umm we've been working hard to try to find a way to help people move forward in the gospel quicker and more frequently. So I guess like helping more people actually desire to learn the gospel. I'm not quite sure how to word it, but that's what we've been doing. We've come up with a few new ways that I'm excited to implement. Umm I got my keys stuck again... this time it wasn't for several hours though. Well, long story short, Elder Fang now takes care of the keys. Hahhahahhaha

Oh one more thing! Interviews were this week with President! It was really cool to get to know him and Sister Runia a bit better. They're great people and I'm so happy that they are the one to succeed the Checketts. Some changes are coming into the mission, and they're good. 

Love yall heaps!!! Hope youre doing well over in the good old America! Or if youre in another country, enjoy that place too!! Love yall! 
Elder Maxfield 

1) The Burkes hooked us up with Costco muffins!!!! 
2) Yes, that's octopus. Yes, it was delicious. hahahaha
3) Just Ash being Ash
4) Amber needed me to hold her purse.. 


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