Sunday, September 9, 2018

well, no title..

Hey everyone. Sorry this is muchly late. Im trying to write in the mornings, but everyone always plans activities for the mornings... sorry!!! 

Well this week. Everyone is getting sent home. Well not everyone but there's a few that are. So sad that people choose disobedience. Just CTR and you'll be okay!!!

Monday we went and got some MEAN pancakes with Archie. Hes doing a lot better and seems to be happy. Hes been pretty sad he said for the last few years. But seems to be doing better than before. He hangs out with us a lot. 

Ian and Doowon are doing awesome and we are having a good time with them! They're learning the commandments this week but are enjoying the teachings so far. So that's really awesome. I'm excited for their baptism soon. They're both progressing to be better people and its cool to see the good desires they have. 
THURSDAY WE GOT OUR HOT WATER BACK!!!!!! Woohoo!! The plumber came and fixed our sink so that the hot water wasn't running constantly.. its been almost 2 weeks... hhaha. 

Friday we hung out with the assistants for trade-offs and that was a good time. We weren't able to work much cause there was a lot of errands to run, but that's okay. We had a good time and I learned a lot. Such awesome missionaries. 

Saturday was a baptism of some really cool people that others were teaching. Their testimonies were great! 
Sunday we had some fun and had a MEAN feast after church. Also had a cool object lesson some of you may have seen with Yvette. #treeofli[ght] 1 ne 8. She's so cool. Just needs to find an answer. 

Well love yall!!!! Hope youve had a great week!!! If not, i hope this week is good for you!!! Love ya! 
Elder Maxfield 

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