Sunday, September 23, 2018


Hello!! Happy moon festival everyone!! Aka mid-autumn festival!
This week was so awesome. Ian and Doowon did not get baptized, but that's okay, they're still preparing and still learning. They're both awesome and are really trying to follow the Lord. 
Tuesday was transfer days and we had to hang out with a sister for about 8 hours so that she had some sort of companion while she waited for her train. That was pretty fun. Hahaha she's super cool. One of my friends from earlier in the mission.
Thursday, Elder Fang set up a big BBQ with some investigators, members, and recent converts. It was pretty dang fun, and for those of you who saw my Facebook story, that was the view we had at the BBQ. Pretty nice. Well it was a big success and a lot of people showed up. That was really nice for one of our investigators especially. Catherine has felt pretty lonely recently and she was able to make some good friends at the BBQ. That was really good for her. She ended up staying until 1am, loooooong after elder fang and I had left. (yes we made curfew hahahha).
On Saturday we decided to go basketball finding, something I've never done before. I loved it. Even though my basketball skills are sub-par and I would rather be going for par instead of shooting hoops, it was a good time. We also made some good friends out of it and will be inviting them to activities soon. I'm pretty excited to see what comes out of our finding activities this transfer. Hopefully a lot!

Not much else is going on around here. Just a lot of teaching and a lot of talking to people. I hope that this upcoming transfer will be full of teaching and finding those people who have been prepared by the Lord. 
I've been reading the Saints book recently and am loving it! It depicts the lives of the 
early saints in a way that I've never heard it before. I love how it's told in a story form, but really shows the true history of what happened.i encourage all who have an interest in history to pick it up and read it (along with a healthy dosage of the Book of Mormon).
I love you all! Have a great week lads and lassies! 
Elder Maxfield 

1) elder fang and I, and a big building.. Can't remember what it's called
2) same building with me archie and Elder fang
3) view at the BBQ. The best part of the view is me btw... Hahhaha
4) Elder Fang, Lisa, me, Catherine
5) gotta hook up elder fang with the good angles
6) mmm bbq
7) just a human chair
8) They call me DJ chicken mixer. 

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