Sunday, August 26, 2018

Mom's Email

Umm well this week was busy as. We had MLC on Tuesday pretty much all day. Well, as I said to Elder Tobler (he was sitting next to me) after the meeting, "We just got trained." Elder Ardern (a member of the 70) came and trained us. And oh boy did he train us. I have never felt so uplifted and motivated after a rebuke in my life. It was pretty incredible actually. He didn't openly rebuke us, but he told us that we need to be doing a better job. He shared a lot of different things that we needed to work on, but he praised us many times for what we were doing well. So it was a good experience. I've never had an MLC like that before. 
On Thursday we had a half mission conference where Elder Ardern spoke and told us how to be better missionaries. That was a great discussion and it led into a great accountability call last night. Elder Bowers (the man himself) and I got talking last night about how we can more often get our new investigators to turn into progressing investigators. A big problem here is that lots of our friends just hang around for a while and don't really progress. Or they have lessons but aren't too serious about it and then eventually life gets in the way. So that's trying to get fixed this week. 
As for my companion, yeah he's called Chinese speaking but that doesn't really matter because he still needs to learn English. So we mostly have conversations in English and then when translation is needed or in just casual conversation, Chinese is used. I haven't actually picked up much Chinese. I know a few phrases and a lot of useless things. Yesterday I learned "I will destroy you." Which is pretty funny using it to find. You ask the people if it means that you like their shoes, pretty funny. The Chinese people are so cool. I really enjoy serving around them and I'm looking forward to my (now almost required) vacation to China in the future. 

Well, thats a long email. But thats my week. Ill send some pictures as well cause we took some this week. 
Well, I love you mom! I hope you have a great week!!!!! 
Love Christopher. 

1)Lisa was leaving...very sad day but its all good. She'll be back at some point. 
2) this is (from left to right) Amber, Catherine, Julia, Elder Fang.  Amber is a member and Catherine and Julia 

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