Sunday, September 30, 2018

OHHHHH I get it now!!!

Ohhhhhhh wait really???? That was THE Opera House? Haha just kidding I already knew that. 
And hey guess what? President gave us permission to go see the Piano Guys perform there TONIGHT!!! Heyyyy I'm so excited! I've wanted to go inside for the last year and now I finally can! Woohoo!

This week was hectic as. It started off with MLC on Tuesday. We talked a lot about using the phones to actually put in our weekly information correctly. And President also wanted our opinions on a few "rules" that we've had. So that was a good discussion talking about what people really thought to be affective. There were many other great things said.

One other thing that stood out to me was when President was describing a HUGE meeting he was holding with an apostle. Can't remember what it was for, but he was hecka nervous. Well, this apostle before the meeting knelt and prayed with him and then told him to not be nervous because the meeting was now in the Lord's hands. I realized that "where 2 or 3 are gathered in [Christ's] name, there will [He] be also." As we figuratively turn the time over to the Lord during each meeting, and really let Him teach us what to say, we cannot go wrong. I've tried that this week and hope to do better at really trusting that He will guide my words.

As for the rest of the week, a lot of lessons. We have a few really awesome people we're teaching. Hansen is now on baptismal date for the 10th of November. He has such great faith! What a great guy!! Catherine is so awesome. She has a lot of questions but is overall looking for love and belonging in her life. I hope she knows that she can find that here. She's so nice. Julia is awesome. She has a lot of great questions and has felt God's love. She also cooked us a HUGE Taiwanese meal. Sooo yummy! 

Yvette just finished reading the Book of Mormon and hasn't decided if she will continue to come to church or not. We challenged her one more time tonight to be baptized. Idk what will happen, but all I know is that the Lord's will will be done. If she's not ready now, that's okay. My kids can teach her one day. A few other amazing people. Doowon is awesome. Ian just headed back for Taiwan, but I'm gonna miss him a lot. He's the man! It's great to teach here. I love it.

Umm all other thoughts..? I think my cousin Nathan said it well, the mission is hard because you give up all you had at home and daily get out of your comfort zone. Despite the difficulties, I love it. God will bless any one of His children when they follow His commandments. So follow them, and see what He has in store for you. I promise it's good. (maybe not Piano-Guys-at-the-Opera-house good, but still good). I'm just kidding, it'll be even better than that.

I love you all heaps! If you're wondering whats up over here, or if you recently got married or something like that and haven't told me, shoot me an email.  Love you all.

Elder Maxfield

We went to a baptism of a guy elder fang used to teach (he's been learning for 10 years..). Linda is a very interesting person. Hahha
This pig looked sooo yummy but we couldn't eat it.. So sad
Ian's in Taiwan now! Doowon is the homie though! 
Elder Ferguson ngatuvai and fang! 

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