Sunday, September 16, 2018


WOOHOO!!!! I get to stay one more transfer!! At least! I'm so pumped to get to stay here. I would hate to say goodbye again to so many of my friends. It'll be fun to at least be here for another 6 weeks. 

Well this week was pretty fun. I'd say the highlights were Ian and Doowon, and my trade-off with Elder Bowers. 
In our lesson with Ian and Doowon on Tuesday, we taught them the word of wisdom and the law of chastity (if you dont know what those are, ask the missionaries, they'll tell you). We had taught the word of wisdom to Ian before, so he was just chillin during that part. However, we did challenge him to throw away every cigarette he owned that night! He agreed! I'm proud to say that he has done that! WOOHOO!! While we were talking about these laws, Doowon seemed more and more heartbroken the whole time. However, he agreed to live it to see if it is true. Now that's what I call faith!!! He will surely be blessed so much because of his desires to test out what God has commanded him. We still aren't sure about their baptism this weekend, but I will let you know next week what the dealio is. 

On my trade-off with Elder Bowers, we had a really good conversation about motivation and about looking outside of self. He's an awesome Elder with a lot of great insight. We started talking about adopting a "There YOU are" mentality as opposed to making yourself the center of attention. It was a really good conversation! I learned a lot from him! A lot of great things are learned on the mission! I am so happy that I can serve! 

Well all, I hope you have fantastic week! 

Love you heaps!! 
Elder Maxfield

Its a party out here!
Watermelon cake
We took an old timey photo of our district

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