Sunday, October 7, 2018

Shower of Blessings

I think the best way to describe this week is that it was "a shower of blessings." It's been raining all week and I've heard it will continue to rain almost daily for the rest of the month of October. So it's been interesting.. Not necessarily the best weather to do street contacting in. Oh well. We'll see what happens.

So last week at the opera house was sooooooo cool! The Piano Guys were absolutely amazing. They were so funny and their musical talent is ridiculous. Especially the cellist. He played the cello so well! It was mostly the cellist and the main pianist the whole time and they were just making fun of each others instruments the whole time hahahha sooo funny! Really cool experience and a great show!

As far as others things happening, I can't remember much of what went down this week. Sorry. But what I do know is that we smashed the finding on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday we did finding with Archie. Friday we met up with Julia and had a super cool. Lesson with her. She's so awesome! She has felt God's love in her life soooo much these last two weeks, so that's super super exciting! However, she's leaving for Brisbane on the 25th.. And not coming back. Anyways, she might stay here for a bit if she finds a good pastry job, but if not sooo sad! We will miss her a lot. She's sooooo cool! We went finding with her too. Hahaha it was so fun! And she got us super spicy dry hot pot. It was hecka delicious!!

We had trade-offs with elder Cowdrey and with the APs. That was pretty fun. Made for a busy week, but it made it fun.
A little all over the place today, sorry bout that, but just know the week was good and we had a good time teaching everyone.

Some cool miracles happened
1) Piano Guys concert!!
2) we were able to get Archie a temple recommend! (he's not going to the temple, but it's a step forward)
3) Julia is seeing sooo many miracles in her life!
4) Julia might actually find a pastry job here and stay! Pray for her soooo hard!!!!
5) umm yeah that's about it, but it was cool!

Love yall heaps! Hope. You have an amazing week and stay dry!
Elder Maxfield

Dry hot pot is soooo yummy!!!!!
The view from the Opera House balcony during intermission
And the inside WOOHOO!!! PIANO GUYS!!!!!

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