Sunday, April 1, 2018

HEY!!!!! Hoppy Easter!

WOAH!!! Reese is going home... thats not okay. hahahaha Im so excited for him and for all you at home!!! 
Okay, first of all, sorry for last week.. I was super distracted and ran out of time to email, so I neglected the group email... SORRY!!! 

Okay, so this week was nuts!!!!!!! AHHHHH 

Tuesday we had service in the morning for Griselda. Shes from Peru and is super cool! We cleaned out one room in her house, and it took 2 hours.. the room wasn't even that big. ahahaha But after that, we had a few really good lessons. So Aaron is really progressing. We talked with him about setting a schedule and trying to do something every day to reach out and do something service oriented. Later on in the week, we visited him again and he said that he felt a lot more peaceful and that his mind started to clear a bit. (hes bi-polar and is in a really hard place right now) But hes improving a lot. We are about to start teaching him gospel lessons. OH! And Tuesday night we went to get ice cream with the young men. They're so cool! We just got to know them and we talked about basketball and sports the whole time. They're so awesome!!!! I'm excited to work with them more. 

Wednesday was zone conference. That was so fun!! We pretty much just had that though. Not much to comment on. 

Thursday was trade offs. Elder Wu and I taught griselda and Carolina. Carolina is from Chile. So a member who speaks Spanish helped us out a lot. (he taught the lesson lol). BTW these were Elder Wu's investigators not mine. 
Friday... I don't think anything...? 

Saturday was transfer calls!!! We had steak (mine looked like a chicken but if you flipped it, it looked like Australia.) I'm staying with Elder Ferguson! I'm so excited for this next transfer. We're gonna have a ton of fun and hopefully the area can get moving a little. The ward is really good and willing to help, but we just need to have investigators to use them. We'll see how that goes. 

Sunday was Easter!!! We had church and then went to the Mitchell's house for Easter dinner. They were beyond nice and we just talked about music and Easter and a bunch of other stuff. They had a ton of family over, so it was just like home. I had a really good time. 

That's pretty much the week. I'm doing awesome and am really enjoying the ward.

Reese! Have fun at home!!! Give Mom and dad and the girls a big hug for me!!!!
I love yall heaps! 
Elder Maxfield

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