Sunday, April 22, 2018

Lots o people to meet!!

Hey everyone!!!! Hows it goin??? 

So this week was pretty dang eventful! Well, actually not really.. Lol. There were a few cool things that happened though! First off, we had a mean pday last week. i made chicken enchiladas, and everyone else brought salad and rice and drinks and stuff. So we all just went to the park, ate, played basketball, etc.. Elder Ferguson and I  raced across the soccer field; yeah, I was sore the next day. HAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! Oh well. That was pretty fun though. 

Then later in the week we met up with some of the leaders in the ward to discuss what families or individuals have been neglected or need visits. We found one family who the woman, brother, ex-husband, and kids all live in our area and are less active. Within that "clan" there's a potential of 12 unbaptized kids who have never received the opportunity to receive the gospel because of their parents inactivity. So, we're going to be really careful about how we go about this. We want to really give these kids a chance to hear the gospel and decide for themselves; and hopefully bring some members back to church along the way! So that's exciting!! 

On top of them, we identified several other less-active families. Friday was so fun!!!! We were asked to do service for the Trujillo family, who is preparing to sell their home (its massive lol). So we painted the house (a portion of it) and then he took us to lunch. Which was great because we ran out of food on Wednesday. Hahhahaaha. Then we went over to Sister Mitchell's house and continued to help her out with her garden. Shes so fun! She told us her whole life story again and told us some cool details that she didn't tell last time. She's so nice though! 

I'm really optimistic about the work going forward with this ward. I hope more can happen with the less-active members than has been happening with investigators. No update on any of them.. 

Well, love ya'll heaps and I hope you have a great week! Remember I'm always praying for you! 

Elder Maxfield

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