Sunday, April 15, 2018

No subject

Hi everyone!!! 
Well, this week wasn't super crazy, but I have a couple fun stories. haha

So Wednesday was probably the most eventful day. We got on the train in the morning to go to Jeans house; just to visit her. (Shes a member) So yeah, we got on the train and were waiting for it to leave. elder Ferguson and I were sitting in the main car, facing each other, and a girl came and sat a few seats over from me. Then, a guy came running up and asked us if the train was going to the city. (he was probably 60 or so..?) We said yes, and he came and sat down in between me and the girl (who is a college student). This guy immediately starts talking to us and we can tell he's a little crazy, but really nice. So he starts talking and asks us where we were from. We told him and then another university aged guy came onto the train and sat next to elder Ferguson. The older guy then introduces Elder Ferguson and I to the new guy saying "these are my Mormon friends. He's (pointing at me) from Alabama, and he's (pointing at me again) from Kansas." I said, that's 100% incorrect. haha and the college guy said "you just pointed at the same person twice" hahaha So I think the college guy knew it was going to be an interesting train ride, cause he started to record immediately. The older guy proceeded to keep asking weird questions and say weird things. 
He at one point introduced the girl as his "youngest girlfriend" The guy was so funny!!! But crazy too. Idk, see if you can find a video on youtube or something. It was hilarious! 

I don't know if that made much sense, but yeah. :) Then we saw Elder Bush, who's supposed to be home, and his family. They were visiting Jean the same time we were!!! So that was pretty cool to see him and his family. 

Also, I got to sustain the prophet this week. I believe that he has been called of God. I know that by following the prophets, that we will be protected from harm and from Satan. He is guided by God and Jesus Christ Themselves. Follow them, and you will have the happiest life that God has planned for you. 

Love yall heaps! 
Elder Maxfield
1) We pressure washed a pool. That square took 15 minutes to do.. 
2) Possibly the best fort ever constructed!

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