Sunday, March 25, 2018

To the young, old, and those going on their missions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AHHHHHHHHHH CLAIRES GOING ON A MISSION. AHHHHH IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU CLAIRE!!!!!!!!!!!! If you want to know where shes going, you can ask her, I don't want to steal any thunder. 

Okay, so this week was very eventful. We had a couple trade offs and those were all door knocking. 
We also went to Youk's baptism!!!! YOUK IS THE MAN!!!!! He was an old investigator from the city, and I really got along with him. So he invited me to speak at his baptism. he told me that the first time he felt the spirit was that night after the bridge. he felt it really strongly, and two days later, he was ready to hear the message of the Atonement and accept baptism. He's great! 

Well, not much else to really report on this week. Lots of teaching lessons that were a little strange, but tahts okay. 
Well, I love yall heaps! 

Elder Maxfield

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