Sunday, April 8, 2018

General Conference and Saturday services

This week was yet another crazy week. So I'll give a synopsis. 
Aaron is doing a lot better. He seems to be willing to act and try to go out and meet people. I know that he'll get better when he does this. I've seen it happen before in him, so he'll get better again if he reaches out. On Friday, we went over to talk and we created a pretty cool plan with him. We made a list of all of his interests and we're planning on going and doing lots of them with him. While we're doing that, we'll teach him some principles of the gospel. He came to conference Saturday afternoon and really enjoyed it. He said after conference that he feels "a discouraging spirit leave him" (he told us about how discouraged he is) and that he loves how united our church is. He later told us that he wants to belong to something. Elder Ferguson said that he's more than welcome to belong to our church if he wants. hahaha We're going over tonight to make curry with him. 

We made a plan with Happy Luke. He's been really frustrating, but we think we've made a plan. He wants a list of commandments (so just the commandments in the lessons) and he will then do a "3 month trial" of Mormonism. During that time, hes gonna pray and come to church and a bunch of other stuff to see if he gets an answer from God. I know he will. At that point, its up to him to do something about it. 

Conference was great! We missed Saturday morning session because we went to a Seventh Day Adventist church. Our ward mission leader is trying to get us to go to different churches so that we can get to know the congregations and they can ask us questions. That way they feel comfortable with us and will invite us over. So we did that on Saturday morning. There were 8 people at the church, but that's okay. Conference was good. Definitely answered some of my questions. I'm so excited for this new direction that the church is gong with "ministering"!!! I think its a great idea and definitely inspired. I'm looking forward to watching the Saturday Morning. I've heard that's a good one. And that's when I'll be able to sustain my new Prophet and President of the church. I believe that he has been called of God and that he will not lead us astray as we follow his counsel. 

Love yall heaps!!! 
Elder Maxfield

1) sushi and dumplings last monday!!! 

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