Sunday, June 9, 2019

Ummm what even happened? I'm so tired

Hey all!!! So yeah, I think the title of my email pretty much covers everything. I'm very very tired and I have no idea what happened this week hahahaha. I'll give a quick rundown. 
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we woke up early to get certain things done or to do things. Monday was bball with President, Tuesday was trade-offs, Wednesday was zone bball, Thursday was picking up and Elder from the Assistants.... maybe that was Friday.. ? I cant remember. It was pretty dang crazy though. 
Now for the work. On Tuesday I went on a trade off with Elder Dill. This guy is a towering 6'8". Almost as tall as me. Hahahahaha but hes so cool. We had an awesome time on trade-offs getting to know each other. 
At one point we visited a friend of theirs. This guy had been going to another church for a while, but didn't feel loved by the people there. He then ran into missi onaries. Hes only been to church once and had one lesson, but he already knows so much and has done a lot of research and stuff. He is unbelievably receptive and embraced everything we say. We talked to him a little about the restoration and about the Atonement. It was great meeting him. I know people in the world are prepared to receive the gospel. Lots of them are your friends btw... share the good news with them! 
Our friend VJ is still excited to get baptized this upcoming week. We're meeting him tomorrow and will talk to him more about the importance of the promises he'll make at baptism and the significance of joining the church. It should go over well. Hes pretty receptive and open to what we have to say. Hes such a funny guy too. He jokes around a lot and loves to have a good laugh. But he also loves Christ a lot. Which is super awesome. 
And on a final note, today we went to the Blue Mountains. We did a super cool hike that took us over a waterfall, to the middle of it, and to the bottom. It was awesome. We had a good time taking pictures and walking for ages. I finally have a picture with my companion. Sorry I'm really slack at that. But its attached below. 
I'm loving the work still, and I love this area. I hope we can get to help out those young men some more! Not a ton of progress yet, but it'll get there. 
Love yall heaps!!! Stay groovy and stay cool in the summer heat (I forgot it was summer until Reese reminded me today haha). 
Elder Maxfield 

OH!!!!!!!! I FORGOT TO MENTION!!!!! DOES ANYONE REMEMBER JULIA??? MY HOMIE FROM THE CITY??? Okay, anyways! JULIA IS BACK IN AUSTRALIA AND SHE CAME TO VISIT ME!!!! AHHH!!! It was so good to see her again. We had a good time catching up and hanging out. She and Amber surprised me. I thought Amber was just coming, but Julia came too. Soooo awesome! Missed her heaps!!!! It was good to catch up with her again. 

Me and elder brown (my companion) 
Heaps of blue mountains pics. 

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