Sunday, June 23, 2019

Larry and a whole lot of trunky

So I'll jump right into it today. 
This week was nuts!!! 
Tuesday was trade offs with Elder Greenig. I love that guy. We had a good time and HEY! We had dinner with a family that is family with someone from Tracy ward hahahah who woulda guessed. Pretty cool. They were super excited when I said I knew them hahaha. 
Wednesday was the reason for "a whole lot of trunky." I had my self reliance meeting. Which basically is a meeting where they tell you how to best be successful when you go home. We were all just making trunky jokes the whole time. (Don't worry I'm not too trunky). We had a temple session afterwards and that was great! I learned a lot from it. I always come out of the temple feeling ready to be better than I am. I love the temple. 
Thursday Elder Brown was sick so we stayed inside all day. I slept sooo much hahaha. 
Friday was cool. We taught our friend VJ and brought a young man with us who is working on his mission papers. He did a good job of teaching and testifying. Vj is continuing to work on himself and trying to do everything he can to follow the gospel. He has such a great desire. 
Friday night we drive up to orange again. I love orange. Last week I told you about how I beat a member up there in ping pong. Well, apparently he didn't like that. Cause when he heard I was coming up again, he said "I want a rematch!!" Elder Mallory told him he wasn't sure we'd have time cause we had service. He said "6:30am at the chapel tomorrow. I'll see you there." Hahahhahahaha well that's what we did Saturday morning, and needless to say, he had been practicing. And he destroyed me hahahha. It was pretty fun though. After that we had service at a farm!!!!!!! And we met Larry!!!! The sheep. Hahha he was a cool sheep. So we went out to the farm and we just helped gather some firewood for the couple that lived there and then the wife let us feed and play with her sheep. It was so much fun. I never knew sheep actually had that much wool on them. Its soooo much!!! Anyways, that was our Saturday. 
Sunday morning at 3am we woke up to get back to our area before church and meetings. Driving at that time is not fun. Especially when you see a kangaroo chilling in the middle of the road. Yep, those will definitely mess up your car Haha. I didn't hit any. 
Then we partied today again in the Blue Mountains. My district is so awesome! We have a lot of islanders, a couple Asians, and a few Americans. Making this district a very large melting pot of cool people. Everyone loves being outside and enjoying each others company. And we all just joke around the whole time it's awesome. 
Well, that's the week folks. 
Big lesson learned this week; the temple is amazing!!!! I knew this already, but I am continually amazed when I go to the temple. I love learning and feeling the Spirit each time I go. I hope each of you get the chance to regularly go (especially since the Oakland temple is new and improved and functioning). 

I love ya'll heaps!!! Have a great week 
Elder Maxfield 

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