Sunday, June 30, 2019

Honestly, I don't even know what's going on.

Hhahaha I think the title sums everything up. I have no idea what I'm doing or what's happening half the time hahah. 
So this last week was pretty crazy. We had a somewhat normal day on Tuesday; as normal as a day can get for me. 
Wednesday was a little odd. We did several visits and stopped by a lot of people's houses, but the curse of the midweek blues hit... no one was home. Sad. Well, that's okay. For zone conference on Thursday we were all wearing matching ties, so we had to hand sew those on Wednesday. That was an activity. Pretty crazy doing a lot of ties, but we had a good amount of help. Zone conference on Thursday was good. It felt weird for it to be my last zone conference. I still really don't feel like I've been out for as long as I have. I know that everything is coming to an end, but it doesn't feel like it. My brain just hasn't wrapped around the fact that my whole life will change yet again in 16 days. I don't get that. 
Anyways, the rest of the week was good. We saw a pretty cool miracle on Friday where we went to go visit a referral but it wasn't the right home. However, the Elder I was with for trade-offs (Elder Qaqa) knew the man who opened the door back in Fiji. Pretty cool! 
Welp. Not much else  
Exciting news, I'll be in a trio this week with my companion (Elder Brown) and another Elder (Elder Savaiinea) from Samoa. 
Okay. Peace out everyone!!! Love ya'll heaps!! Have a great week! 
Elder Maxfield 

Ps. That family I mentioned last week was the Fagas. Okay bye. 

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