Sunday, June 16, 2019

Orange ya glad I'm still on my mission?

Hahahhaa. Orange ya glad. 
Anyways. This week was pretty dang awesome. We'll kick it off with the young men. So the young men in this ward are awesome! There are heaps of them and we went to mutual on Tuesday night with them to talk to them about working with us and coming to teach lessons. They were all keen to come and help. I'm so grateful for that!!! It's hard to find people willing to go out with us to teach lessons here. So, if you know the gospel, go out with the missionaries!!! 
On Thursday I went to Orange. Orange is a pretty groovy country town about 3 hours west of here (and everything else for that matter). There's pretty much nothing out there. Basically tamworth 2.0. It was so dang fun! Cause the missionaries out there cover 5 branches and all of them are an hour away from each other. So it was a lot of driving. We had a lunch appointment with a senior couple and a dinner appointment with another senior couple. So this is how our day went. Wake up and do normal studies till 10. Then do language study (for my companion) until 11. Leave flat at 11 to go to bathurst where the senior coupe lives. Senior couples usually talk a lot (which is totally fine cause they're always so dang awesome!) so we were there for a while. Then we visited a couple people, taught a few lessons. Then we went and played ping pong with a member. He was SO DANG GOOD! Crazy good! (But not as good as me hehe) hahaha just kidding he was a lot better hahaha. Umm yeah we had a good time doing that and then we went to the dinner appointment we had, which was an hour away, then after we drove an hour back home to the orange flat. It was "heaps of fun." 
As an update for our friend, he did not get baptized this week, he has a few things he needs to work on, but that's okay! We're working with him until he will be ready. He wants us to come over every day Haha. So I'm totally fine with that. He really wants to be baptized and we'll do our best to get him there. 
Love you all heaps and I hope you're having a great start to your summer. Remember that God loves you and that Jesus Christ is real and can help you in any way you need. 
Elder Maxfield 

Also the sisters in our district are super cool and made us kangaroo stakes. 

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