Sunday, March 24, 2019

We got a bit of rain! woohoo!!!

Yay! There as a bit of rain this week! That's exciting! 
Okay, so onto the week. It actually turned out to be a little better than a "realistic week." Cause we found a new person to teach!!! So that was really exciting!!! We'll teach him again on Sunday so we'll let you know how that goes next week. 
Other than that it's been a long week. A lot of visits and a lot of knocking. Highlight of the week though: So in our mission we have these dudes called traveling trainers. Basically two missionaries who travel the whole mission helping missionaries be better. (Its a new job made up this transfer). Anyways. They stopped by on Thursday night. Needless to say that was a very very nice surprise due to the fact that we have no contact with any missionaries face to face except the occasional conference. So they came by on Thursday night and stayed until noon on Friday. That was a heck of a lot of fun. Even though really we just talked. It was nice to have other missionaries to talk to. #exiledlife
Umm other than that, really nothing. This week we have zone conference. That'll be a lot of fun! Looking forward to that. 
Hope you have a great week!!!! Love yall heaps! 
Elder Maxfield

Our district, the APs (in the other chapel) and the travelling trainers. 

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