Sunday, March 17, 2019

Hope you have a realistic week!

Probably my favorite quote of the week. But there's been some good ones including a text we received "President has advised that we are absolutely not to go to any dances put on by wards or stakes." -Assistants
So yeah. This week was a good one. This area is pretty small, in terms of people (not area wise though). So the whole town has already be knocked, and there aren't too many members to visit Haha. We're trying to meet with as many people as we can on a regular basis though. 
Highlight of the week though (at least one of them). Yesterday we we trying to meet people and we were FINALLY able to meet with a Filipino part-member family that we've been trying to see almost daily for the last 2 weeks. Hahaha. They've really never been home. So we finally got to see them and it was awesome! Elder Pabona pretty much just spoke Tagalog to the dad the whole time, then the 17 year old son realized I had no idea what was going on, so he talked to me (hes 100% fluent in English). So we built good relationships with the family and we'll hopefully be going back again soon. The son wants to play bball with us too. So that'll be so fun! I hope hes ready to get his ankles broken. (Cause ya know, I'm sooo good at basketball). 
Other than that, we've had a good pday. We went to a lookout (I'll send pics at the bottom) and that was a really good view. I enjoyed that. Then just brushed up on ye ol' ping-pong skills with Elder Pabona. (He got a scholarship to play in college back at home. Hes really good hahaha). So that was good cause he taught me heaps in just an hour and now my back hand is wayyy better. 
Well, that's about it for yall. Hope you have a groovy week!!!!! 
Elder Maxfield 

1&3)Such height. Greatly cliff. (Its like a 5 foot drop. Hahaha) 
2) everything the light touches is our area (and sooooo much more)
4) me and pabona
5) haha we went out to a place called Manila. Not much in Manila. 
6) also not much out here either haha

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