Sunday, April 7, 2019

Rain makes corn.... and that's why there's no corn here

Hahaha yet another really dry week in Tamworth. We get very little to rain up here. So I guess not much different then Tracy. (Except for this spring I guess)
Anyways. Umm this week. We had trade offs on Tuesday!!!!!! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. That was a lot of fun! Speaking of Woooo! That's was my companion! Elder Wu! Seriously, the man. Hes going home next week back to the almighty Hong Kong. It was good to be with him, cause I lived with him a year ago, so we already know each other pretty well. Well that was a fun day  we taught like 5 lessons, one to an old Canadian-Australian who just roasted the United States the whole time. Oh well, she's really old and can say whatever she wants. Hahahaha. 
The rest of the week was alright. Just trying to visit people and teach some lessons. I'd say a highlight for the week was finally being able to sit down with a lady who has been in the ward for 7 years but only visited once. I don't know how, but she just fell through the cracks and people hadn't even heard her name. So we got to meet with her and had a great conversation with her. We'll be seeing her again this week. So that's good. 
Other exciting news, a member is introducing us to some of his friends this week!!!!! WooooooooooohWooooooooooo. Hopefully they're keen! I don't think they know anything about the church, but they're a couple, one from Taiwan and the other from China, so I'm actually pretty sure they don't.  Hahah. So exciting! Hope that goes well. Well, next week is transfer calls. I find out the day before I email next. I'll let you know what's happening. 
Well, as my sister would say "that's the tea." Hahaha. Hope ya'll have a great week. Love ya'll heaps! 
Elder Maxfield

We played basketball with a potential and I got caught by the camera trying to be the same height as them hahahahhahahahahaha

We wanted to go somewhere no missionary has knocked before. #Barrabafinding"

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