Sunday, February 24, 2019

Zone Conference, interviews, and a special musical item by the missionaries

Hello my friends, family and other people! Just kidding, you're all either my friends, family, or both. Congrats!!! 
Okay, so this week was a little crazy. We had zone conference earlier this week and then interviews straight after. Then we had a singing thingy on Sunday. Pretty similar to the one last week. So I'll start from the top. 

So zone conference this week was really cool. We were able to go up to Sydney for it, which is fun in itself. The conference was really good. We are going away from door knocking as a mission, so we're trying to come up with ways to find new people to teach. The suggestions were fishing finding, teaching family history, stuff like that. I really really want to go to the local prison and teach a Bible class there each week. President is still thinking about whether or not he's going to approve that one, but hopefully he gets back to me soon. hahaha. Id be so keen to do that. Cause the people there are actually wanting to repent and change if they're going to a Bible class. They know that it'll help them in their lives. Plus I've heard so many stories of people teaching in prisons and its just a very spiritual moment. So that'd be awesome. We'll see what happens. Other than that, we just talked about the stuff we discussed in MLC, so nothing new. 

Interviews are always awesome. I love talking with President. This time it was mostly just talking about how the work was going and how the missionaries are in the zone. So that was good. President really cares about us on an individual level. the amount of love that he and Sister Runia have for us is incredible, as well as the amount of time they spend thinking about us or helping us. I love them so much!! 

So on Sunday we sang at the Canberra state fair. We sounded really bad, but that's okay! One of our friends was sitting in the audience and a Rabbi sat next to him. The whole time our friend just answered his concerns. The Rabbi came out saying "wow I feel a lot better about that now." If that's the only reason why we were supposed to be there, then I'm fine with that. God works miracles everyone!!! 

So one more thing! WE PLAYED BASEBALL TODAY!!!! ON A REAL FIELD!!!!! Man, that was so fun!!!! It was just nice to play something like that again hahaha. 

Okay, back to the work. As for the work this week, it was really good. We don't really have many people to teach, but the Lord is definitely performing miracles for us. We've been really trying and the members have been a lot more helpful in terms of talking about missionary work and their friends and just wanting to teach others. So that's really good. I'm so grateful for that.

So this is week 6, so we'll find out this Saturday whats happening with transfers. 
Okay. I love ya'll heaps!! Have a great week! 

Our friends visited from Sydney!!!!! That was so fun! 
Professional bag model is back! 

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