Sunday, February 17, 2019

No title today

Hey everyone!!!! How are you all?? 
Man, so first off, I want to tell you that calling home every week is the coolest announcement ever. Hahaha. I've been so excited to talk to my family again. It's been pretty much the only thing we talked about over the weekend. Just how excited we were to call home. 
So fyi, I'll still be sending out a weekly to everyone (I've heard they're pretty popular so, don't wanna disappoint my fans. Hahhaha just kidding. But I still will be sending them out). 
So this week was pretty awesome. I got to go on a trade off with an Elder in my zone this week. He's struggled with obedience throughout his mission but really turned around recently. It was a privilege to work with him and was probably my favorite trade off of the mission. I really really enjoyed it. He told me his life story and talked to me about how he's seen God change him and seen how the Gospel can change our lives. Its convenient that we studied John 2 this week huh? I loved talking about Christs power to change and heal us I've felt that in my life. He wants to mold us into something greater than we are, because He knows that we can become great. So that was a great experience. I'm grateful I had it. 
We also, on Sunday, had the chance to sing in the multicultural festival for Canberra. It was pretty cool. There was a pretty decent crowd even though we probably didn't sound very good. The cool part about it was that we were able to sing in Spanish, Samoan, Tongan, and Chinese. Then on top of that, our Hungarian missionary shared the Hungarian national anthem. So all of that was really really cool. 
It was a great experience. After we got to meet some really cool people and are now invited to teach our beliefs in a mosk. So that's pretty awesome! I'm excited for that opportunity! 

Okay. Love ya'll heaps! Sorry for the late email. 
Elder maxfield 

The festival. 
Sorry don't have any other pics from the festival yet. 

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