Sunday, February 10, 2019

Temple sealings and Spiritual promptings

This week was a good one. I guess I'll get right into the highlights. 
So we hang out every week with the Macaso/Punzal family. They're the Filipino family that we have dinner with. But they're soooo cool!! I love them. So Mike and Donna Punzal got sealed this week and they invited Elder Jarvis and I to go. So Elder Tobler and I drove up Saturday morning, and I dropped him off in the city with Elder Jarvis' companion. Then we went to the sealing. The sealing itself was so cool! Its so amazing to know that we really do have the chance to be with our families after this life, and its because of that ordinance that we can do that. Its not just "til death do you part" but its for forever. So that's pretty awesome! 
After the sealing, we went to a super good Korean Buffet in the city. I've been before, but it was still way good hahha. There, we just joked around and had a good time with the family and with the missionaries that came. 
As for the Spiritual promptings, this week has been great! I've seen Gods hand a lot in the work that we're doing. Something that I'm starting to learn more and more is that as you follow what the Spirit is telling you, God will trust you more and more with more promptings. He will continue to give you things to do and people to check up on. Its incredible. I'm so grateful that God talks to us today. If you haven't felt, or heard, or thought that He's talked to you in a while (or ever) pray and ask Him what He'd have you do. He will answer. maybe not immediately, but He will. 
In other news, Elder Tobler got his foot sliced and diced this week. He has some ingrown toenails removed so we've been walking kinda slow these last few days. (He still wants to walk around even though he probably shouldn't do as much walking as he is haha). So that's made for an interesting weekend. 
Other than that, maybe some time in the future you'll hear from Kermit and Batman. Love ya'll heaps!!! Hope you have a great week!!!!! 
Love Elder Maxfield

Super awesome dope coolio as view! 
After the sealing. I love the temple. 

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