Sunday, February 3, 2019

Heavy rain pours out knowledge from the mission department

So this week was hecka cool!!! We had a pretty normal week up until Friday. Lots of teaching and finding. Thursday afternoon we started heading up to Sydney for MLC. On the drive up, the most intense rainstorm that I've ever seen while driving occurred. I seriously couldn't see 10 ft in front of me. That was crazy. But we made it to Sydney safe. A little late, but safe. Friday morning we played touch Rugby with the boys and then went to our meeting. We knew that someone from the mission department was gonna be there, but we didn't know why. We were hoping it wasn't going to be a rebuke. Well, to our great delight, it wasn't!! He was on assignment from Elder Stevenson to come here and help us increase the effectiveness of our work. So that was very very welcome information. 
So as we started the meeting, he started dropping stats left, right, up down, sideways, etc... I have severe mental whiplash. It was way awesome though. He told us a lot of really cool tips on how we can do better and what we can really do to help these people come to know if the gospel is true. He also reminded us (as always) that the whole reason we're doing this is so that people have the opportunity to be saved in the Kingdom of our Father in Heaven. It was a great meeting. 
What was even cooler though is when we put it to practice. On Saturday and yesterday, we really tried our best to follow the steps that he gave us. It was so cool! From that, and from the help of the Lord, we were able to see a lot of great miracles. The Lord truly is looking out for us and He cares very much about the work we are doing; because its His work. I love being a missionary. Its awesome! I hope you all are able to find missionary opportunities. No, you don't have to refer your friends to the missionaries right now, but maybe make a list of people that you would really like to see receive the gospel at some point in their life. Then minister to them. Be their friends. The Lord will provide miraculous opportunities. 
Love you all heaps!!!  Have a great week!!!! Oh, and happy Superbowl. 
Elder Maxfield

Dinner at the macaso/punzal home. Blue tongued lizard hahah. 
"Wake up G"

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