Sunday, January 27, 2019


Well, looks like I gotta do this now. So on Wednesday, Jarvis left, and Elder Tobler came in. I'm actually pretty stoked to be his companion again.  This will be our 2nd transfer together in 2 completely different areas. He was such a good missionary in the city, and is way good door knocking too. 
On Wednesday, elder Tobler got to the train station at around 10:30, but there were still missionaries on the way (not arriving until about 2:45) so we took some luggage with us and dropped it off at the flat and came back. We talked about the area and just caught up overall in those 2 hours of driving. It was fun. Then we got back a little early, so we went to the Big Merino. If you don't know what that is, it's the biggest attraction of Goulburn. Look it up on Google. Pretty cool stuff hahahaha. Then the other missionaries got here and we went home. 
I guess the main thing elder tobler and I have been trying to work out this week is how we are going to work with our schedule and drive the other elders around everywhere. It's been pretty frustrating. But that's okay. It hasn't taken tooo much time. Just a bit. One thing that's cool though, is that elder tobler is super positive about everything, so that helps a lot. 
Overall, it's been a good week. Very busy, full of meetings, running around and such, but not too much to really report on. 
Just want to let you know, elder tobler is the man and he wanted me to dedicate this letter to him. I think he deserves it because he gave me a really great compliment this week. He said "one thing I really appreciate about elder maxfield is how much hes grown since the last time we were companions."  I'm glad the only thing he complimented me on was the fact that I was trash before but I'm not as trash now.  I'm just kidding. I know what he meant. Lol. Hes a great guy. 
Well, love y'all heaps!!!!! 
Love Elder Maxfield. 

Ps. On a more serious note, I just want to testify that Jesus Christ is there to help you in any worthy cause. I've seen Him change and improve me, and others time and time again. He is there to help us become the people we were meant to be. Let Him shape you and mold you. Although it's tough, and we usually fight it, when we let Him shape us, we will see how beautiful the workmanship of His hands is. 
Love y'all. 

Elder tobler 
Actually a super cool picture of the sunset

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