Sunday, January 6, 2019

"If you were a horse, Id shoot you all"

Well I'm not gonna explain who that quote was by or who it was directed towards. Just know it wasn't to me and my comp or anyone in my mission. Just thought it was a funny thing I heard this week. Hahaha. 
So this week was slow as!!!! Elder Jarvis basically rolled over and died on Monday night after our legendary ascent of the not-so-peaked slopes of Australia. He got really sick. I'm not sure how, but he did. On Monday night he had zero energy, Tuesday he had fevers that would spike, and then drop, so he spent the whole with massive temperature changes. Then Wednesday he got strep throat and has had that since. Fun times. 
Despite the death being had in my flat, we had some cool miracles. Yall remember Matt? The super keen guy? So he texted us and told us that he wanted to meet Tuesday. He then described some struggles hes going through but he really wants to follow God. Hes the man. We'll meet with him again on Wednesday this week. So excited for that. Hes a great guy. 
Thursday the Narooma Elders came over early cause zone conference was the next day. So i spent the day doing two-half-day tradeoffs with them. I would go out while someone stayed with Elder Jarvis and then come back and they swapped haha. It was fun. I feel bad for Elder Jarvis though. Hes getting better. 
Zone conference was great and interviews after were great too!!! President and Sister Runia really have a lot of love for us and I'm so grateful for them!!! After interviews we headed back home and stopped at Little Caesars on the way for dinner. We bought soooooo much!!!!!! Man, it was delicious!!! 
In the words of Marty Mcfly, "That's all folks." Love yall heaps! Hope you had a good and safe new years!! 
Elder Maxfield


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