Sunday, January 20, 2019

C is for cookie, and cookie is for me!

Whats up party people??? So this week was wild! Ill start off with the subject line. So its like a bajillion and a half degrees right now, so we have been trying to be creative so we don't have to knock doors in 100+ degree heat. Its been fun. So we decided to make cookies for heaps of members and bring them to them. But there's a catch. With the cookies, we issued the Chocolate chip challenge to them! WOOOOOO. Basically, we gave them the cookies, a pass along card, and a copy of "The Living Christ" and challenged them to give one of those out (or do some form of other missionary work) and text us about it after they finish. We're hoping that this can generate some excitement about member missionary work in the ward. Hopefully it works. If not, at least the cookies tasted good. 
So, other than that, we just had transfer calls. ELDER JARVIS IS GOING TO THE CITY!!!! I'M SO STOKED FOR HIM!!!! Hes served mostly bush his whole mission, so this will be a completely new experience for him. As for me, Ill stay here for a third, and Ill be comps with Elder Tobler again. hahahaha. That'll be way fun. I'm actually super excited. I loved serving with him last time, so serving with him again could be a lot of fun. 
Other than that, not much else is happening.  We got a new investigator that seems really promising this week. I was on trade-offs so I wasn't at the lesson, but Elder Jarvis said that he was really keen. So that's exciting!
Well, love yall heaps! Hope you have a great week! Stay warm! 

Love Elder Maxfield

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