Sunday, December 30, 2018

Happy Chrissy from down unda!!!

Hey everyone!!!! So, no, that's not how they say it here, but it definitely is the quote of the week. 
This week was kinda eh. Christmas week in Canberra is pretty dead. On top of that, a heat wave came in and we hit 100. Almost every night our bedroom was 90+ degrees at 10:30pm. Woohoo, no air con!!! My favorite! But that's okay. 
Hey so i just want to share a couple miracles and fun experiences this week. 
1) Matt has been off the radar for the last 3-4 weeks. Hes literally the most busy 18 year old i've ever met. Its crazy! So since our first time meeting with him, we havent really seen him. Been rough. But last night he texts us out of the blue and says "hey guys, i want to get baptized." So we told him that he needs to meet with us. Well, we now have an appointment with him!!!! I'm so excited!!!!! I'm really looking forward to teaching him again. Hes a great kid! 

2) So i would save this one for last because of chronology but i want to save a really cool miracle for last. So today we went and hiked the highest peak in Australia!!!!! Mt. Kosciusko. It actually was a wayyyyy easy hike. That's okay though. It was sooo fun!!! When we got there the temps were cool but really nice for a long sleeve and shorts. Then as we kept hiking, the winds picked up. Towards the top gusts of about 50mph were hitting us. Hahahha. It was so cool!!! We chilled on the top for a bit, i got my yoga pose in, and we headed back down. About 1/3 of the way down, that wind was added too by rain, then thunder hahahhahaha. Well, needless to say, it was an amazing time had by most (my comp is now seeming like he's gonna get really really sick... he'll be okay) But yeah. That was a party. It was so nice to be out in the actual wilderness again and hiking. 10/10 my happy place. Aspirations for 7/7 each continent's highest peak is building. Everest and Antarctica is a stretch though.... not sure i'll ever even think about doing those. 

3) So Elder Jarvis and I have been planning a devotional for a little over a month now. That happened last night. At first, we were really really excited about it and were keen to make it happen, but as time went on, we realized a problem... there might only be 5 people that show up to it. And that was a realistic thought. That very much was a possibility. Well, we decided we were in too deep and couldn't pull out, so we went for it. One thing that kept running through my mind yesterday was "attempt to be creative, even if the results are modest." I felt that we had attempted and we were about to see modest results, but that's okay. Well, we show up and at around 6:30pm, a couple people trickle into the chapel. Then at about 5 till, many more people showed up! We had an attendance of about 40 people!!!!! We thought there would actually only be a max of 20 people. But that was a miracle!!! Then the devotional started. The speakers were absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!!!! In each of their topics that we assigned them, they took a different twist than normal and they all flowed together so well!! The musical items were great!!! And most importantly, i felt the Spirit sooo strongly. I accredit that devotional's success 100% to the Lord because of His infinite mercy and kindness. He was willing to make our little devotional something memorable, at least for me. 

Well everyone. I hope you have a great new years!!!! Love yall heaps!!! 
Elder Maxfield 

Christmas zone pic
Because everyone knows how tough i am, i cant smile. 
Gotta take a yoga picture on every mountain
SKI MAP!!!!!!!!! Wait... isn't this Australia...?

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