Sunday, January 13, 2019

Just another day out here

What's up everyone!!! 
So my email today will probably be a bit shorter, but we'll see. 
So to start off with, mission basketball is over. We haven't gotten final results yet, but as of last week we were sitting in 2nd place with many zones just on our heels. However, we DESTROYED the work this week as a zone, so we'll see what happens. 
In other news, this upcoming week is week 6 and I'll most likely be staying next transfer and Elder Jarvis will go. He's been here for ages so he deserves a transfer. Hahaha. 
So I think Friday and Saturday were the coolest days for me. Both because of the things I learned. Fridays DTM was great. We learned about consecration and being obedient. It was great! Saturday we were filling up the baptismal font for the sisters baptism so we had a bit of free time. I read a talk called "The Fourth Missionary." It was super good. It just talked about the difference between doing good things because you're supposed to and doing them because you know it's the best thing and you want to do that. So it was really good. It helped me out a lot. 
Other than that, not a ton happened this week. Just your average week. No real news on any of our investigators. They're all pretty busy, so we haven't been able to meet with them. Hopefully this week. 
Love yall heaps! 
Elder Maxfield

ELDER LI!!!! hahahaha

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