Monday, November 26, 2018

Miracles and pumpkin pie

Wow! What a great week!!!!! So this week was awesome. I'm gonna keep it brief today.
This week was awesome!! First off, it was Thanksgiving. For Thanksgiving we were able to go over to an American family's party. We went over to one of their friends house and there was sooo many people there! And they were all so nice. We had really good conversations with them and got to know a lot of people in the community. Now if we knock on their doors they'll be nice to us because they know us! Yay! Progress!
Okay on a really really up-note, we had some super cool miracles this last weekend. I'll start with the smaller one and then we'll go from there.
So. We've been chasing this guy for a bit now. His name is Kai. He's one of the member's cousin and is super super nice. He's been really busy and hasn't been home for the last few months, so we haven't been able to catch him. However, this last Saturday we stopped by and he was home! He let us in and we chatted for a bit just getting to know each other. He said he'd taken all the lessons before and had been in date, but something happened so he wasn't baptized. However he tells his friends he's a member when they ask. So I'm excited to see him progress. He's a really nice, cool guy.
Another huge miracle was Matt. Matt is the boyfriend of one of our members. She invited him to church a while ago and he's been going with her in the mornings for about 2 months. He says he loves church, especially fast and testimony meetings. So, his girlfriend just moved out of the ward recently, and he had no one to go to church with. He asked us to come with him and of course we said yes. (btw elder jarvis had taught him before but Matt's been super busy recently). So we went and I got to meet him. He is the nicest kid ever! He's 18 and plays baseball for some locals teams!! And he's a giants fan!!!!! Woah!!! I'm gonna get along with this guy really well! Hahahhaha. So we were talking and he asked a few times how he could get baptized. And we explained. We'll. Meet him on Wednesday, so we're really excited for that. Oh and BTW, his girlfriend texted us a few days ago and told us that Matt told her he wants to be baptized and has since the very beginning!!! Woohoo!!!
So those were some awesome miracles from the week. 
Hope yall are having a great time wherever you may be. And hope you had a great Thanksgiving. 
Oh ps, I had pumpkin pie for the first time. It was way good. 

Okay. Love yall heaps!! 

Just bought some golf clubs today. Super super super cheap so it's all good. We'll leave them at the flat.
Practicing in the Samoan choir. #noteasy.hahahaha so fun though. 

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