Monday, November 19, 2018

what a week!!

Hey what's up everyone??? Well I'm gonna try to make this fast cause it's 10pm here and I haven't emailed President yet. Yay!

So today was crazy! We woke up at 4am and left at 5 for Sydney. Got there at 8:20 for our 9am temple session. Wow, that was a few times thrown in there. Haha anyways, it was a good drive. The temple was amazing as always. I love the temple. The spirit can be felt so strong there! I love it.

On the way home we hit up little Caesars!! Woohoo!!! I haven't had that in a year and a half (well just under) lol. It was so good! And guess what? It's still $5 here!! That was the best because that's actually cheaper than America's!! No tax, and the dollar is worth less here!! Woohoo!!!!

Umm yeah. This week was good. Maybe one point from this week is, it's no good planning something if you're not gonna execute. I have found that myself and many others plan for things, and then never do anything after the plan. And it's frustrating when nothing happens. This goes for a lot of things, events, parties, trips, self-improvement, etc.. So if you're gonna plan something, stick to that. If plans change, that's fine, but don't leave projects unfinished. That's something that I'm learning. Cause I love planning, but sometimes my execution isn't quite up to par. Although, I'm trying really really hard, so that's a positive! 

I'm loving life out here. It's a great place to be, the work is good and I just got a text from someone we're trying to set appointments with saying "I want to come [to church] still" woohoo!!!! I'm excited to meet him. He seems so cool! 
Short email, but I love yall heaps!!
Love elder maxfield. 

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