Sunday, November 11, 2018

Trying new approaches

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
This week we tried to take Mr. Einstein's advice and try something new to get different results. Over the last few months, knocking just hasn't worked. There hasn't been really anything that's come of it. So we wanted to take a new approach. In trying to find this new approach we listened to the advice of President Hinckley; "[Missionaries] succeed best when members become the source from which New investigators are found." Well that sounds pretty dang good. I like succeeding! Who doesn't?

Well, we went to the members this week. Something I saw another missionary do was go into the homes of each member in the ward and share a 10 minute restoration lesson. Then simply the invitation at the end was to share a restoration pamphlet with a friend. We decided this could go well in this ward. Hopefully they can jump on this and get what we're actually trying to do. Cause if missionary work from the members increases here, baptisms will definitely follow! I'm confident that is the same for at home too. So if you're at home reading this, get your thinking cap on and try to think of a friend who you can prepare to meet the missionaries. It doesn't have to be a referral you're giving right now (although that would be great) but even if you can start to talk to someone about the gospel, that's a huge win for the work! The church I'll only grow if we ALL open our mouths.

In other news this week, I'VE SEEN SOOOOO MANY KANGAROOS MATE!!!! IT'S BEEN MEAN!!! Like seriously, they're everywhere! So if we drive in the evening past certain fields, id be able to probably count 75-100 of them. Sooooo cool!!!! But yeah, that's pretty dang fun!

Also the assistants came down and we did trade offs. We did two half day trade offs with them so we started on Tuesday at 3pm and ended Wednesday at 1pm. It was fun though. Wednesday morning we went on a hike for exercise time. It was wayyy cool!! And then we smashed the work the rest of the day. But I was sooo tired haha. Oh well.

Well, it's been a good week filled with lots of cool people and nice members. We also went street contacting for a bit. That was fun to do that again!

Well, in the words of Porky Pig "that's all folks!"

Love yall heaps!
Elder Maxfield 

From the hike
The legend himself. RIP 

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