Sunday, November 4, 2018


Hi people! Happy Halloween from your not-so-Aussie friend!
Well Canberra is awesome and my companion is pretty dang cool too! I love it here. The ward is super cool and we have a lot of super nice members who are willing to help us out! I'm stoked!
As for this week, not a ton of work got done because we've been crazy busy running errands. It's a busy life down here. Thankfully we'll have plenty of time this week to smash the finding. We're also hoping to get into a lot of members home and teach them too! Just to get to know them better. #nofoodrequired

Some quick events from this week. Sister Roberts missed her train coming down here, so we hung out with Sister Min all day in a place called Goulburn... yeah.. the biggest attraction in Goublurn is a giant sheep sculpture at a gas station... so that was exciting. hahahahaahaha. Also sister min fell off of a playground spinny thing. That was soooo funny, but I cant send the video cause its too big. My mom has it, ask her if you want. Umm We also had all day service moving some elders into a house... its such a nice flat, I'm super jealous. Oh well, my flat is good too. Oh! And I'm finally running again!!!!! It feels soooo good to be getting into shape again!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!! 

Well, since not much happened, I'll just go to my studies this week. I've been studying a lot about God's plan for us. I won't go into the details, but it's amazing how intricate, yet simple His plan is. He truly does have a plan, and He truly does have a place for each of us prepared at home with Him if we follow His teachings. God's plan is fair, it is just. It allows everyone to have a chance. Although some may say, "eh, I'll 'live' now and follow God later" they really don't know what they're missing out on. God is not there to control us, to make us have boring lives. I'm in Australia for crying out loud! I'm having the time of my life! Yet I'm still following His plan for me. God wants us to be happy, and as we follow His plan, we can receive happiness and blessing in both this life and in the life to come!

I love you all heaps! Keep being awesome!
Love Elder Maxfield.
Elder jarvis and me! 
Just your typical thing you'd find while door knocking here

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