Sunday, October 14, 2018

I promise I'm working!

I often think to myself, "Man, a mission isn't supposed to be this fun." But then I think, "well that would be absolutely ridiculous!! Missionaries can have fun too!" Well first off I want you all to know, yes I'm actually working very hard. I could bore you to death about street contacting, but I like to focus on the more exciting parts of my weeks. Hahaha. (which sometimes have to do with cake, cookies, or some poor Mexican food made by yours truly).

I bring that point up because this week was yet another fun one in the mission field. Let me tell you, I LOVE THE PEOPLE HERE SO MUCH!!!! Seriously, they're amazing! To make a long story short, today is Catherine's birthday (one of the people we're teaching. She's so cool!) Well, of course we had to celebrate. So last night her, Julia (another person we are teaching), Amber (member), Jessica (someone else is teaching her), Hinase (member), Elder Fang (companion), and I had a party; complete with tacos and a cake that had accidentally been completely eaten by members earlier that day..... :( So no cake.. So sad. And my tacos were mediocre at best. Oh well. I WAS THE ONLY ONE AT THE TABLE WHO COULD EAT SPICY FOOD!!! (I was so surprised!) We had a really good time and more importantly, Catherine had a good time. She is making really solid friends here in the ward and I hope they'll encourage her to keep pushing forward and find an answer! They're all so awesome.

Well, conference was awesome this weekend. I love listening to our leaders. They're truly men and women of God and know the Lord's will for His church. I can't pin a favorite, but Elder Hollands talk was great, so was Elder Brough's talk, and so was Elder Bangerter. I also really liked Elder Gong's talk and Elder Ballard's talk. So basically all of them. Hahahahahaha. It was such a good conference. I hope you all can take the advice given in conference and apply it to your life. I know that as we do so, the promises given by these faithful leaders will transpire. The church is true everyone! Shout it from the rooftops.

Love yall heaps!!
Elder Maxfield

1) Jessica (someone else's investigator soon to be recent convert) Catherine, Hinase (Japanese member) and Amber. We took a few serious pictures and each time Elder Fang smiled in them. So we decided to take a picture where we all laughed but he wasn't smiling.
2) yeah.. Trying to be serious doesn't work
3) back left to right (Jessica, Catherine, Hinase, Julia, Amber)
4-5) more pictures hahah. The Polaroids came out better than the phone pictures 
6) Elder Fang got a peppa pig bag, then got rid of it real fast. Hahahaha #thankgoodness! 
7) Our "Gucci" ties came in! So skuxx! 

 The tie I'm wearing in pretty much all of the pics, a member named Tou (pronounced like Two) made it for me! He's the man!!! 

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