Sunday, October 21, 2018

What a week

Hey all! Hope you've had a great week! 
This week was a good one. We had interviews on Tuesday with President and those are always pretty dang fun. Despite interviews, I think the best part of the week was Wednesday.

On Wednesday, we had trade offs and I went with Elder Kendrick. He's been in the ward for just as long as I have, so we've gotten to know each other well over these last 3 transfers. Well, we smashed the work on Wednesday! I don't think I've ever talked to that many strangers in one day in my life! We just decided at the beginning of the day that we would just go out and talk to literally everyone. So basically, there weren't too many moments during the day that we weren't talking to someone else. It was crazy! So much fun though because the time absolutely flew by! I'm trying to keep that energy and motivation up for a while.

On Friday we had a District training where we talked about helping the people we are teaching to feel the Spirit more often. One way to do that is to help them feel the Spirit better during lessons. So we decided as a companionship to try harder to have a really really spiritually inviting atmosphere during the lesson. We were doing that already, but we were also caught up a lot in making sure the information was shared. (sometimes it's hard to find the balance). We'll, the happy result was that our lessons went really really well. We were able to feel the Spirit strongly during the lessons and I hope the people we taught did too! So that was a really cool learning experience for me this week.

I love it out here and I know that as we testify of the truth, the Holy Ghost will witness to the hearts of these people that our words are true!

I love yall heaps! Hope you have an amazing week!

Elder Maxfield.   

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