Monday, August 6, 2018

Sorry this is so late, busy day

Wow! What a week!! Its been sooo busy! I'll be short because I don't have much time.
So basically, transfers were this week. So Elder Tobler is leaving on Tuesday for Wollongong. I'm getting a new companion. He's from Taiwan!! he speaks Chinese!!!!! Yeah!!! I'm so excited for that!!

In other news, Lisa is getting baptized on Saturday!!!! She is so solid!! She has such an awesome testimony and the reason why she's getting baptized!!! I am so happy for her!!! She's super upset that Elder Tobler is leaving but I think she'll be okay. 

Overall, all is going well here. I love it here, I love the people! It's so fun! And it's so amazing to see people come to know that the gospel is true! I love it. 

I want you all to know how much I love my Savior. He has made me who I am now, and will help me as I move forward. I love Him, and am so glad that I have been raised in a home that centered our lives on Him. 

I love you all heaps! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!
Elder Maxfield 
Transfer call steak night
The thoughtful three!!! Idk why we are called that, but see! We're thinking hahaha!!!

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