Sunday, August 19, 2018

This is sparta

Well, as a famous poet once said, "Hi." Think about that quote for a minute. If you do, it'll blow your mind. 

Well everyone. I hope you are all having a great day! 
This week has been a good one. To start, my companion was almost too sore to walk for the first few days this week (he's used to having a car so walking has been killing him. Hahhaa). That was fun though cause we walked really slow all over the city. Hahaha! 

It was a week of miracles (sort of more than usual but not tooooooo crazy). I guess i say this because it was a really productive week. We were able to help out a lot of our friends with their concerns. We are still working with Yvette on finding her dang answer... but she'll get one!!! I'm excited for when she does! 

Lisa leaves for China (she'll be gone for 3 weeks- 3 months. She doesn't know) next Sunday, so we will go to the temple with her this week (hopefully!) Tou is getting the Melchizedek Priesthood and so is Vincent. Ash will be getting the Priesthood soon, and Archie had a great day today! So all is going great for them! I'm so happy for them because they are finding joy in the gospel. Vincent and Tou are awesome. They really enjoy serving and Ash is great too! Archie has struggles at times, buy I love him to death. I'm excited to hear tonight why he had such a good day. 

I guess I'll just close by saying, God answers prayers. When you're down, when you don't know what you're doing and you don't know why things are happening the way they are, you can always turn to Him. He will help you. I know He will. And I'm so happy and grateful that He does. 

I love you all. I hope you have a great week!! 
Elder Maxfield

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