Sunday, July 29, 2018


Man, this week was great!!! I'll just get right into it. 
ASH GOT BAPTIZED!!!!! He's the man!! He's so funny! First of all, it was a pain trying to get his information, like where he was born, his parents birthday, etc.. He knew none of that information and didn't want his parents to know he was getting baptized (they're in China). So it was a little difficult, but we got it!! Moving on to his actual baptism; it was great! Ash told us afterwards that he could feel the Spirit strongly right before he was baptized, and then while he was in the font, and after he was baptized. He's the man. We taught him yesterday after church, and he seemed so keen to learn more about what's next for him. He was like 'wow, there's a lot of stuff to do." He's hilarious. Oh, by the way, during his baptism, he got in the font and was like, "OH! Hi everyone!!" and waved at all of them. Then after he was baptized, he blew them all a kiss. Just a funny guy. The Spirit was there though. 

Also! Archie!! I haven't talked much about Archie, but he is one of the recent converts that we look after. He really has struggled with moving forward and progressing in the gospel. But we've been talking to him recently about the Priesthood. He finally received it yesterday!!! It's great! And after his interview on Wednesday with Bishop, he seemed sooooo happy! He had a huge smile on his face! It was so good to see. He's an awesome guy. 

Umm what else, we had a lot of planning this week and  a lot of lessons that we taught. I'm really excited for these next coming weeks because I think we will see a lot of progress in the area and with the people we are teaching! It'll be awesome! Hopefully I get to stay after next week! (Transfers are next Tuesday(not tomorrow). 

Couple trade-offs as well this week, went with the Assistants to their area. That was a lot of fun! Elder Sibbett is hilarious. Like, such an odd guy but so funny! 
And finally, we had today. Today has been so fun! Played soccer this morning, then went to the other Elders' flat and had a weet-bix eating competition. If you don't know what weet-bix is, its basically a cereal, but its 97% wheat. And it's just in a brick form. hahahaaha So yummy! So I was able to eat 15 (a serving size is 2 biscuits btw). The champion today ate half a box by himself.... 42 biscuits. hahahhahahahahahahaha. I have no idea how the heck he did that. Elder Bowers is the man!! Next week we're gonna buy McDonald's out of all their fries. (Well that's the idea.. doubt it will happen, but could be fun). 
Well, love yall heaps! Have an awesome week and hope school doesn't hurt anyone too much. I guess I'll just stay here, not going to class. Love yall!!!! 
Elder Maxfield

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