Sunday, August 12, 2018

At the water, we take pictures.

Hello!!! What is going on??? Well this week was so fun and busy and crazy and nuts and wild and.. well, I think you get the point. Its been a good week though. 

First things first. I got a new companion, same area. This is actually the first time I've stayed in an area that my companion is leaving. Hahha so that's kinda strange. Its pretty fun though. Elder Fang is my new companion. My brotha from Taiwan. He's been out for about 17 months and this is his third area.. wow! I don't think I would enjoy that. Hahaha. Hes from the southern portion of the mission, so its interesting to see the culture from there. Hes awesome though. I really like him. He is adjusting to the city life, but is doing a great job! I really like him a lot. 

Also, we had a mission conference this weekend where we were told the rules of the mission and how to use the phones and stuff. So that was all good. It was good to see some old friends again. Like ELDER FERGUSON!!!! THE MAN!!!! I miss him. Hes a cool guy Hahahaha. So that conference was really fun. 

Then we had Lisa's baptism!!! Woohoo! She was sooooooooo nervous, but we took heaps of pictures and she was okay. She is gonna be a solid member. Now she wants us to go find her a cute boy that we can baptize and she can date. Hahhahaha so im liking where she's going with this idea. She'll have to help us fellowship sometime. Hahah just kidding. We dont convert people like that. Hahha! But she is really cool. She'll be a good member. 
Well, this is going to be another exciting week.

Love you all heaps though!!!! 

Stay awesome! 
Elder Maxfield. 

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