Sunday, July 1, 2018

City life!!!!!!!!

Yeah!!!!! I love it here!!! 

So most of the people that I knew from the city have moved out, but that's okay, the ward is still way cool!!! I really love them, and I'm having a good time getting to know them. I've also met a few of our investigators already, and they're awesome. They each are interesting, but really cool. They all have a cool spirit about them. 

We met with Ash this week, and he is the man. He's from China, and seems to have a really strong desire to get to know God. We invited him to be baptized on the 28th of July. He accepted! He said "I don't know (if its true) yet, but I will find out by then! Such faith!! Hes a really awesome guy! I love him. 

My new companion is Elder Tobler from South Jordan, Utah. So guess what????? FOURTH OF JULY WITH AN AMERICAN!!!! USAUSAUSA AMERICA!!!!!!! That'll be super fun!!! Especially cause his year mark is the next day. 

This coming week will be wild! We are meeting President Runia (our new mission president) TOMORROW!!!!! He's been here since Saturday, but we saw him tomorrow at a meeting, then everyone will meet him on Thursday. So exciting!!! He has two kids here with him, a boy who's 17 and a girl who's 16... I think..? Hahha I'm sure we'll meet them too. 

So, an exciting week. I love it here. I love the city. Of course, I miss you all. Hope you are having a good time at home and have a great 4th of July! Love you all heaps!!!!! 

Elder Maxfield


1) Me and Elder Tobler
2) This is the Edmunds. Theyre the coolest family. After saying goodbye last week. 
3) Views from the [9th floor apartment]

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