Sunday, July 22, 2018

Chickens, pot-luck, and miracles!

What an awesome week! I mean, Im sure thats pretty obvious to tell by the subject line though. Who doesnt like chickens? Hahaha 
We kicked off the week with a trade-off. I went over to Summer Hill with Elder Krauser. Guess where he used to live? NEWPORT BEACH!!!! So naturally we talked all day about the different food places there. Hahhaha Chronic Taco, TK, burger, etc.. so good!! It was a pretty dang fun trade off. We started off the day with some door knocking, and as we pulled up to the street we were going to knock, I saw a house with 2 super cute dogs in the front yard. So cute!!!!! Then, after petting them, I look on the porch, and theres a chicken there. Hahhahahahahha somebody in the middle of the city suburbs has a chicken. Hahhahahahha! We knocked the door and no one was home. But we found some cool people to teach later on in the day. 
Dont worry, the "pot-luck" we had has nothing to do with the chicken that we saw on that dude's porch.  But, it has everything to do with the fact that we bought too much lamb this week. So we decided to have some Elders over for dinner (they live like 2 floors down from us). It was pretty cool. Got to hang out, see how their work was going, and had some MEAN peach cobbler. Hahha 
Cool, now for the best part! MIRACLES! Ill start with the funny one, then move on to the super awesome one (even though theyre both awesome). So, you remember Amy? The girl who yelled at us last week at the park? Yeah, we're teaching her now. Hahahhahahahhaha. She came up to us during a lesson again and with probably the crudest language Ive heard in a while, started to vent to us about how crappy her life was. This was all basically yelling too. So, not too great.. the guy we were teaching (Winston, the man!!) was pretty understanding. We calmed Amy down and Elder Tobler got her to sit down and he taught her while I taught Winston. Hahhaha. Now we have a return appointment for this week! Woohoo! She just needs some help in her life. 
Okay, for the other miracle!!! LISA!!!!!!! THE COOLEST PERSON EVER!!!!! So, we met Lisa probably 2 weeks ago. She sits on a street corner next to an advertising sign for her work. Thats what her job is. Sooo boring. But, thats good! Because she has time to read and watch videos and do all sorts of other stuff. But Ill rewind for a sec. So, we met her, and she came to church and had a quick lesson on how to pray and who God was. She texted us later and thanked us for helping her learn about God. So, fast forward a week and a half. We see her Friday last week at work; guess how much shes read? Shes in Enos!!! Shes read a third of the Book of Mormon!!!!!! Shes also going out on and studying about the Plan of Salvation etc... she is soooo awesome!!!!! We had an awesome lesson with her and taught the first half of the Plan of Salvation (btw if you dont know what that is, hit up the missionaries around you. ) and then the gospel of Jesus Christ. She is planning on being baptised on the 11 of August!! We have a lot of work to do with her to get her ready, but we are so excited for her. Shes a super awesome person!! 
Well, yet another week in the books. Never stops getting exciting here in 'Straya. (Thats Australia for you Yankee blokes). Hope yall have a great week! Love you heaps!!!!
Elder Maxfield 

1) Chicken!!!!
2) Pot-luck
3) MIRACLES!!!! (Lisa is the one next to Elder Tobler)
4) Futsal this morning!!!!

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