Sunday, July 15, 2018

Happiness seems to be the theme!

Hello everyone!!! Hope youre all doing well! 
Man, this week was pretty good. We had trade-offs on Tuesday with Elder Bowers and Elder Williams. So I got to go to UNSW!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! Yep, its still as awesome as I remember it! The people are soooo nice!!! That was super fun to be there again. It really was a good way to start off my week. We met a lot of cool people and taught some really good lessons. 
Other events in the week... while we were teaching Archie (a recent convert who struggles progressing) at Victoria Park, Amy walks up. Amy has run into Elder Tobler before, and she does not like missionaries... hahahhaha but shes kinda crazy, so it was just funny. Shes university age, and walked up to us and was just like, why the (colorful language inserted here) are you guys always here??? Go somewhere else? Why are you always trying to seduce these people? (Id like to remind you all that we were teaching a dude right then. Hahahhaha) Then she said "why do they always send out the best looking people to seduce all of us innocent people?" Well, I couldnt pass that opportunity, so I just said "Oh man, so you think Im attractive?" Hahahhahahhahahha she couldnt gather her thoughts for a solid minute. So funny!!! But she ended up leaving. We saw her later in the week though. Pretty crack-up. Also during that lesson, there was a dude mumbling in some language to himself anf hitting a tree with a stick. Then he started yelling at the tree. Hahahahhahahaha. Umm I guess the only other thing is that we cant yet tell if one of our investigators is in love with Elder Tobler or just is nice and cant speak English very well. Im leaning toward the first one, but Elder Tobler denies it. Hahahhahaha!!!!! 
So, onto the theme for this week. Man, overall, I was pretty happy this week. Like, Im usually happy, but this week it stood out to me a bit. All week Ive been studying about how the gospel can help individuals who are already happy (even if they are already members). So Ive been studying about that, and Ive found one thing that really really stands out. As people live the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit) will come reside with them. For those who have not been confirmed a member of the church, they can feel that Spirit when they do good, when they read their scriptures, pray, come to church, etc... That Spirit naturally brings a subtle sense of joy and peace. Thats what the Spirit does. However, that Spirit will soon fade as they move on with their day.
For those who have been confirmed a member of the church and have received the gift of the Holy Ghost, they can feel that Spirit all the time. This simply is because that gift has been bestowed upon them by the Priesthood (the power of God given to men on Earth). As members of the church go through their lives, they strive to consistently read, pray, go to church, serve, etc.. With these consistent efforts, the Spirit is a permanent residence in the heart and soul of these individuals, only leaving when mistakes are made, but to return quickly after these mistakes are fixed. 
When people feel the Spirit for the first time, it is a small, almost un-noticeable feeling that brings a quiet peace and subtle joy. As people grow and begin to be more comfortable with that Spirit, the feelings grow stronger and the joy felt increases until the day that we will be filled with a fullness of joy. 
The gospel truly does bless lives. As the Prophet Lehi said, "[This] fruit [is] desirable to make one happy." Every one of us is invited to partake of this fruit. True happiness can be found nowhere else. It may be found in parts and pieces, but true, eternal happiness can only be found by following the example of our savior and by living His gospel. I know this to be true. 
Hopefully that all made sense, if not, email and ask me. :) I love you all heaps! and hope you have an amazing week!!!! 
Love Elder Maxfield

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