Sunday, June 24, 2018


As you might be able to tell, I am going back to the city, and I'm wayyyyyyy excited to go! This time, I'll be in the ACTUAL city area; so not UNSW. But, I'll still be in the same ward! 

Its been a really great opportunity to come out here and serve the people of outer Sydney. Its come with a lot of learning, a lot of growing, but a heck of a lot of fun! I've found so far that each area is so unique. I have only served in 2 stakes my whole mission, but each area has been 100% different from the last. Its been quite the trip, and I am looking forward to going back with the people I came to love so much in the YSA ward. 

So onto this last week. This week we were challenged (the mission as a whole) to do 90 hours of proselyting this week. That's about double what we normally are expected to do, so it was quite the experience. One thing we learned, some areas should NOT be worked in after dark on the weekends.... many crazy and sketchy people were met this week. Hahahhaha!!!! Oh well, stories for later. (Dont worry Mom, nothing happened to us that was dangerous ). But along with the hard work came the blessings. We were able to meet some really nice people who seemed really interested in the church. On top of this, we have been able to meet with William (a really sweet old man who loves Christ) a few times. We saw HEAPS of other miracles as well. It truly was a great week. 

We got our smartphones this week!!! (As some of you may have guessed based on the fact that I'm on Facebook haha). These are going to be amazing tools that will definitely help us spread the word of God so much faster and easier. And, as an added bonus, we can take selfies!!!!! Hahahahhahaha!! 

Well, final note: President will be leaving us this weekend... With the missions merging, smart phones being implemented, and a lot of changes overall in the mission, President Runia has his work cut out for him. I know he will do a great job and I have the utmost confidence in him. He's been in leadership for quite some time now, so we arent worried about him not doing a good job one bit. Haha! I'm so excited to meet him and find out what I have to learn from him. President Checketts has been a huge (literally and figuratively) strength and help to me on my mission. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for his kindness, love, and support. He is a wonderful man, and all of this and 1000x more could be said of his wife, Sister Checketts. She is absolutely amazing!! My mom away from home. To all those on missions or going out, your mission parents are there for you, they love you and care about you more than you know. Trust them, follow them, and most of all, love them. 

Well, I love you all heaps! And miss you quite a bit too. I'm glad I'm here though. Although its hard sometimes, this is the only place I wish to be right now, serving my Lord and Savior. 

Adios till next week when I will once again be saying 再见. 
-Elder Maxfield
The camera can take wide selfies!! Woah!!
Temple pday few weeks ago. 

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