Monday, February 5, 2018


Okay, miracles galore!!!!! 
1) I found golf clubs and a Socceroos jersey!!! So cool!! I've been wanting both of those
So for the rest of the miracles, they're actual miracles. I've been working on increasing my faith in Jesus Christ and trusting that as long as I'm working, we will find success. So this Friday, before leaving the flat, we prayed to have a miracle. On the way to a lesson 5 minutes later, we met Josh. He had been in Australia for 10 hours and was lost. We helped him and then invited him to games night. He came and was super excited to meet everyone. He wants to meet up again!!! He's awesome!!! 

The next day was really rough. At the end of the day we  did a finding competition with the district. Whoever got the most points won. We did so bad and knew we were going to lose. Just no one would talk to us. So we were a little discouraged, but I told Elder McCleskey that on the way home (5 minute walk) we were going to find someone. Guess what??? We found Siyu!! He's awesome!! He is super keen to meet up and wants to come to games night tonight and learn about our church!!! Woohoo!!! 

Sunday, we met with an investigator. This person has lied to us before about believing in God just to make us feel good. So we prayed before that he would tell us the truth. He did and now we know how to help him. 
Miracles happen when you have faith. My faith is not as strong as it could be but as we try to increase it, God will openly bless us. 

I love yall heaps!!! 
Elder Maxfield

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