Sunday, February 11, 2018


Zone conference!!!!! And Book of Mormon Musical training!!! So this week we had both of those. On Tuesday we had a special training meeting because the Book of Mormon Musical is coming to Sydney in a week or so. We are all super excited for it to come; because even though it makes fun of us, it brings us a lot of publicity!! So, we were trained on what we are going to do for the play, and what to expect to be asked by people. So, I think the best way to find out what we're going to be doing, is for you to check out the Melbourne campaign that the church did last year for the play. We will have a giant, 10ft tall Book of Mormon out in the middle of the square. Missionaries will be there to answer questions and help people find out whats inside the book. In the display will be some questions that the Book Of Mormon answers and some pop up displays. It'll be so cool!!!! I'm excited for it to start!!! 

This week was also zone conference. President, Sister Checketts, the zone leaders, the assistants, and the sister training leaders all gave training. I found that in each of the 5 trainings, we were taught different things that we need to do in order to really see progression in our investigators. I'm excited to implement those things into my work and see what happens. 

I love this work everyone! I hope yall know that. I love my Savior and I am privileged to testify of Him every day. Please follow Him and His teachings. Its the best thing you can do ever. 

Love yall heaps!! 

I've been getting questions of "what is weet-bix" weet-bix is the best cereal in the world!!! Its 97% wheat and is the best with honey. 

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