Sunday, February 25, 2018

out in the country

Hello my beloved friends and family. I hope yall are doing well. 
So, this week has been a little insane and this email may or may not make sense. I have no idea really whats going on in this area, so don't blame me.. sorry. :)

So, this area is all farms and acreage. Lots of the members are super rich but they're all really nice. The ward mission leader had us over for a meeting and dinner to kind of fill us in on what is going on. Man, he can talk. He filled us in for 2 1/2 hours, and then we had dinner. That was a really long time, but sooo helpful. We learned a lot of info and he seems like he's excited to do the work. 

So, I guess the most exciting thing is that I'm driving now. I actually really like it. I missed driving and driving on the left really isn't that hard. You just need to make sure that you stay to the right side of the lane instead of drifting over to the left. That's an adjustment. 

Other than that, not much. We met most of our investigators and we will meet with them some time this week or soon next week. It should be a good transfer. My companion is awesome. Elder Ferguson is from Kaysville Utah and has been out for 15 months. I think we will get along really well and we will have a fun transfer. 

Love yall heaps
Elder Maxfield

This is a good description of the area. hahaha

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