Monday, January 29, 2018

Its Australia day... and in other news, we had a baptism in the district

So Happy Australia day everyone!! I don't think anyone here really cared about the day. Even the Aussies didn't seem to think it was a big deal. Chinese New Year will be bigger here than Australia Day. HAhAHAHHAHA

So, two cool experiences this week. 
That was so awesome to see her be baptized. She seemed so happy and I got the opportunity to participate in her confirmation. Shes going to be such an amazing member of the church and she might go serve a mission. That's so cool!!! 

2) The Australia Sydney North Mission and the Australia Sydney South Mission will become the Australia Sydney Mission in July!!! WOAH!!!! One mission, 320 missionaries, baptisms.... 30000000. Its going to be so cool!!! I'm excited for the change but we are sad that President Checketts is going home. I hope the transition is smooth and everything works out well. But if you guys know anyone going to Sydney, L:ET ME KNOW!!!!

I hope you have a good week everyone!!! 
Love yall heaps!!!
Elder Maxfield!!

We celebrated Australia day with Vegemite toast and I took a bite out of raw Weet-Bix in the morning. YA Australia!!!! 

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