Sunday, January 7, 2018

Teaching Spanish to Chinese people

So this week was awesome. About halfway through the week, we got a text from Three. She said that she had felt the spirit and she feels that she had felt it before but hadn't really accepted it. LITERALLY THE BEST TEXT EVER!!!!!! Three is so awesome. Shes preparing for baptism on the 20th of this month. I'm so excited! 

This week was a lot of teaching and a little bit of finding. We are sad that our district is falling apart. Sister Cookson goes home this week, Sister Vega is moving to the city, and.. that's it I guess. haha.

To finish off the letter, I'd like to share my testimony on President Monson. 
He is a prophet of God. He was called to lead and guide this church over these last few years. I've appreciated all he has done for this church as he has followed the direction Christ gives to him. I love this church and am excited to see what President Nelson will accomplish. 

Love yall heaps
Elder Maxfield

PS: We are teaching Three Spanish, just for fun. IDK if I mentioned that earlier. 

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