Sunday, January 21, 2018

Spring Festival is the worst!! But the best too

So, everyone is in China now for Spring Festival. Chinese New Year for all of you who don't know what Spring Festival is. It sounds super cool, but it takes everyone away from us. There are also exams going on right now, so everyone is busy and cant meet up. Needless to say, a lot of finding was done this week. It was so fun though!! 

We also had trade offs with the zone leaders. That was awesome!!!! Elder Bush is the man!!! We did such good work that day. We played a finding game where we competed against everyone else in our area. It was exceedingly fun. We all tied though, so that's not okay. 

Sorry, this week was kind of dull, but I want to share with you that my testimony of the Book of Mormon has again been confirmed this week. Twice, I prayed to know if it was true. Twice, I received an answer almost immediately. I cannot deny what I know to be true. I love the Book of Mormon. I know it is the word of God. Please, read it. It will change your life. I love you all heaps.

Elder Maxfield

Ice cream with Elder McCleskey

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