Sunday, January 14, 2018

Pump up speeches and ice cream

So this week was pretty fun. I'm staying in UNSW!!!! I love this place! I hope I can stay for a while. 

I've heard that the last few weeks emails have been kind of confusing. Sorry about that. I will try to make them better. 

This week, I'd like to share just a couple experiences. 
1) Nash (in the picture below) is on date for the 10th of February! He is so awesome. I think I've talked a little bit about him before, but he's from Thailand and is learning so fast. He can play the guitar and teaches guitar lessons. So far, we have taught him the first 3 lessons and the 10 commandments. He hasn't had any problems with any of it, and when we showed him the baptismal interview questions, he said he had no problems except for the stuff he had never heard of before. haha. So we are excited to see him continue to progress. On Friday, we went to get ice cream with him, and it was so fun. He is really an awesome guy. 

Yesterday we had our amazing zone leaders give us a pump up speech. We believe that our zone is going to do incredible things this transfer. We have to work super hard, but we feel its possible. For me, I'm going to work on my motivation. I feel like I've been making excuses to not talk to people on the street, and that's not okay. So I am going to work on my motivation to go out and work hard all day every day. We've set some pretty high goals for the transfer, but we feel its possible if we work hard.

I was studying about faith this week and I read that literally, all things are possible if its Gods will. I realized, that our goals as missionaries should always be God's will; so why would they be impossible to achieve. I need to have more faith that we can achieve them. 

I love yall heaps

Elder Maxfield

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