Sunday, December 31, 2017

Xīnnián kuàilè

Happy New Year everyone!!! I hope you had an awesome break!!! Now, its back to school!! YAY!!!!! 

We had a super super stressful week, but it was awesome. The Lord continues to bless us with heaps of people to teach and I'm so grateful for that. Someone that came to church last week met with us 3 times this week and is already halfway through reading the Book of Mormon. She is super excited about religion and really likes our church. Shes done a ton of research and has found some anti mormon stuff but says she trusts the testimony of the witnesses in the Book of Mormon. Shes so awesome!!!!! Hopefully she will stay committed to be baptized on January 20th!

So we also, while calling people to come to church, met John. He said he was crazy bored and wanted a lesson that night. OKAY!!! So we met with him. We didnt know that he was going to bring two of his friends as well. They are all so interested and understand the topics super well!! Hopefully they can grow in their faith as they meet with us. 

Today we are having a sports day and are teaching our investigators how to play football. It will be super interesting. hahaha

Well, I don't know what else to say. 
I want you guys to know that I have seen the Saviors hand in my life. HE IS THERE. I cant deny that. He is amazing. I cant describe the love I have for Him and the appreciation I have for the gift He gave us. 
Love yall heaps. 

Elder Maxfield

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